Sunday, February 21, 2010


Yesterday was a good day. I finally finished my book for Business of News. Now I just have to come up with a business model and present it on Tuesday.

No big.

Actually, my group is meeting tonight to work on the project so cross your fingers.

Ash and I went to Target after she got off her 6 hour shift. I bought this little number:

She bought a dress too, I think. We also bought magazines and Starbucks and pretty much just bummed around the store for two hours. After we got back, I set up a new website ( and she watched the Olympics. How cute is Apollo? He's just so laid back. It's very attractive.

I've been in a frenzy all morning. From running back and forth to the laundry room to trying to type up the Homecoming 2010 candidates' accomplishments for the Vision, Ash described me in one word: stressed.

I wasn't stressed...just annoyed that it's a week (no more like three days) before Homecoming and I just got the green light to send something off to the Vision. Bad management.

Maybe Elle will calm my nerves. I'm wearing my dress today because it's gonna be like 65 degrees today!! I'm so happy. Spring is finally going to be upon us. Flurries shmurries. It's all about the SUN! 
Enjoy your Sundays!

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