Friday, April 3, 2009

roadrunners and death

Now playing in iMind:

Something Beautiful--Newsboys

Don't Stop Believing--Journey

Beyond the Sea--Celtic Woman

Under Pressure--Queen

No, no one died.

I feel like I'm going to, though! I'm so antsy for Easter break; all of these stupid projects need to pack their crap up and leave me alone! I don't understand why teachers wait before a break to slam us students with monotonous, super crazy projects.

Honestly, it's not that bad lol. I just want to go back to Jersey where flipping someone off while driving is as common as hitting up WaWa for a hoagie and slurpee. Oh, Jersey, how I love and miss thee. Between having to write basically everyday and having to be nice and keep things I want to express to one of my roommates 24/7, I'm ready to be around people who really don't give a crap. As bad as that sounds, it's the gospel truth!

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore Nashville and the "niceness" of Tennessee. But, after being around tough, rough people for 18 years, I've grown accustomed to being able to say whatever whenever.

Case in point, I need Jersey. Desperately. This is the longest I've been away from home. Am I homesick? Eh. A little, maybe? I don't know. I love being on my own but then a part of me yearns (yes, I yearn) for the open spaces and fast living that is my home state.

Here's a list of stuff I need to get done by Tuesday night (my flight is 7pm. WOO!)

Saturday: Connect article, start blog for NEED

Sunday: Finish Connect article, pre-class quizzes must be done (31, 32, 44, 46) oy vay...

Monday: interview art teacher for article--9am, start and finish visual journalism project, environmentalism study--10am, finish portfolio for health (what?! ugh)

Tuesday: Connect article due, interview dr. curtis--2pm

After all of this is done, it's goodbye Nashville, helloooooo JERSEY!

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