Thursday, August 2, 2007

hot & sweaty

it's a hot one today, folks! by the time i got back from the dentist and shopping, i was sweating like i've never sweated before, except in a gym haha. even though the humidity is like death, it's still very pretty outside. the sky is soo blue, i love it when it's like that! my brothers had to go to the dentist and i accompanied them. alan has a cavity (poor him) and austin is cavity-free but they want to do this thing where they scrape off some of his gum so that his teeth show more. i don't know what it's called but how my mom was describing it, the procedure didn't seem appealing. while they were getting checked, i had to sit on the couch and practically twiddle my thumbs. our dentist really needs to subscribe to vogue, marie claire, seventeen mag, SOMETHING! oy vay, was it brutal! haha. i have to go back tomorrow because it's my turn. woohoo! (can you hear the sarcasm in my typing?) after the dentist, we went to wal-mart (HATE IT) and got some home supplies. i desperately wanted to go to target, not just because it's a better store, but they have the music like right next to the laundry stuff, so i could have walked over and picked out Closer by Josh Groban and a new purse. but, i guess that's gonna have to wait for another day. why couldn't hamilton have put in a target instead of a wal-mart? RED is better!!!
so now after shopping and my recent ranting haha, i am sitting, writing to all of you, waiting for the pizza to come out of the oven and for the X Games to finally start. yes, i am a girl who enjoys watching the event. mostly just the motocross stuff, because it's really cool how they can flip their bikes and themselves while airborne. scary but cool nonetheless. should be very interesting this year...wonder what pastrana is gonna do this time, since he's already done the so-dangerous-i-think-i'm-gonna-faint double backflip. guess i'll have to wait and see. =)

"i am strong when i am on Your shoulders"

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