Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas time is here...or, was.

Let me wish you faithful readers a belated Merry Christmas!!!!

It's been plenty busy and with our internet still on dial-up there just is not enough time to sit and wait. Patience is a virtue to which I do possess but when it comes to computers, my patience fails me. Even now I'm attempting to upload pictures from Christmas evening onto my facebook and the uploading box is going slower than a rock. Yea, really slow.

All in all I had a wonderful Christmas. Santa was very good to me (even though he had a lot of help from my parents). I got a Canon Powershot, one of the newer models. I'm so excited! And it's green, perfect for Ireland! Clothes, books, movies, music, and new luggage from my grandparents rounded out my gifts. We went over my g-rents house (yes, the two minute trek by car was exhausting. much traveling) Christmas evening, which was nice. My aunt, uncle, and two cousins came as well. We had a really great time. Of course there were some rifts but who wants to focus on the negative? Not I.

New Year's Eve is Friday and New Year's day is, obviously, Saturday. A few weeks later will be Adam's birthday. He's turning 24. CRAP! He's so old.

I return to Nashville January 12. The next day will start my fourth semester at Belmont. Scholarships and registration must be filled out for my trip as soon as I return. That's all I'm going to be doing the first weekend I'm back. Maybe I'll even do it on the 12th.

Postings may be in short supply until I return. The internet...yes, the internet. Enjoy your merriment, everyone!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I submitted my very last assignment today at 1:15pm. It was late...didn't know it was going to be late until I submitted it. Ah well...
Tomorrow I go home with Buckner and Charity. We're going to make gingerbread houses, some sort of craft, and watch Elf or maybe another Christmas movie. The possibilities are endless.

I'm just so glad I'm done the semester!!!!!

Jersey will be in sight Thursday afternoon.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm Christmasing with you...very soon!

Christmas, my absolute favorite holiday, is about fourteen days away. I have one more final and a paper to write over the weekend before I can say I am free from school for at most a month.

Honestly, it won't feel like Christmas to me until I am home. Adam told me that we're supposed to be getting snow soon. I need the cold weather in order to feel somewhat in the Christmas spirit. Yea, it's cold here in Nashville but not cold enough. I'd like to see at least some flurries on campus before we all went our separate ways for three-four weeks. Oh well. You get what you get.

My last final is my medieval world final and it's supposed to be in essay form. The great thing is that we're allowed to have a sheet of paper with notes of whatever we want to write about. I did mine in outline form just so that it makes the process a little easier on me. I can't wait until I'm done though!A nap is in store for me once I'm done and headed back to the dorm.

I just wanted to pop my head in and say hey to everyone who reads this. If it's snowing where you are, take it for granted. Go walk and play in it. Build a snowman and then once you're nice and chilled to the bone, your nose red with happiness and the whipping weather, go inside and make yourself a nice hot cup of cocoa. Sit by the fire and read a book or enjoy the company of your family and loved ones.

Have a great Friday, ya'll!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mistletoe Ball 2009

Ash and me
Martha and me
Martha and Stephen aww
Martha and I shared the Brownie Sundae Cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory after the Ball...SO GOOD!!
Martha and me at Cheesecake Factory
Anna Margarita and me
all us girls: Anna, me, Ash, Kimi, Martha

Monday, December 7, 2009

[Untitled posting] a generalization if you will

For about two years now I've written here about my hopes, worries, failures, successes, family, friends, love and Jesus. I've shared pictures of holidays, events, special gatherings of friends. Two years of my life are on this blog and it's left me wondering: Look how far God has taken me in two short years. It baffles my mind that when I first started this blog, it was meant to be a place to share where I was going for the summer: Josh Groban concert, other concerts, historical monuments and such. But then this sprouted from that, this assorment of hodge-podge events and quests that either were met with open arms or closed doors (I'm speaking in my search for love). I am awed by the fact that something so simple like typing away in a little white box that gives you options to share a link or a picture, has been a welcome mat for me to pour my heart out. And share it with all of you.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for listening.

Now that the box of memories is shoved under my bed once more, here's a look at what my life is like PRESENTLY:

Ash and I are going to Christmas at Belmont at the Schermerhorn Symphony Hall in downtown Nash. We got free tickets (I guess they figure "hey, they're already paying out their ears for tuition. Let's throw in some Christmas tickets!") so I'm skipping my third class and final session of Covering Diverse Populations. Tara and I worked on a story and it turned out really well so hopefully we both get good grades on it.

Do you want to see my schedule?? Yea, ya do!

Monday--journal for Medieval World due
                Christmas at Belmont

Tuesday--case study due for Media Ethics
                maybe something's due for Romanticism (?)

Wednesday--DEAD DAY!!
                     meeting from 3-4:30pm
                     work on short paper and final questions for Romanticism paper

Thursday--lunch at 2pm with Advanced News class
                 story #4 due for Advanced News

Friday--Understanding the Bible final
             Media Ethics final
             Medieval World final

Monday--Romanticism essay final (BUT if I finish it before Monday and turn it in, I don't have to go)

Thurs, Dec 17 I fly out to Jersey and family.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A musing while going up

I walked back to TK by myself after a fun dinner with Martha, Ash and Anna because they all have night classes. With my coffee in hand, I walked in the cold street, my coat tightly buttoned and zipped. With the city lights, the clouds look like a pinkish orange. There's serenity in those colors as you look around and other parts of the sky is pure black. There's a comfort in that. It's the Belmont bubble.

As I walked, I mused a bit about my life. My love life in particular (which is nonexistent by the way). You all know my past, my rather dull past but my past nonetheless. I've liked a few guys but none who've really floored me. Well, except one but there's no use musing about that one. He's grown. He's gone. I must move on and have but sometimes his name pops up into my mind and I stop doing what I'm doing and think to the past and then the present and wonder what he's doing. But I only do this once in a blue moon.

As I was going through the lobby, I knew the guy I've thought I liked was working. I knew and yet I didn't send a warm greeting. As I pressed the elevator button and the annoying bell dinged, opening the silver doors, I stepped in and glanced at his face as the doors closed, separating us for the rest of the evening. A thought appeared. One simple word. You'd think it would make me upset and wonder "Why God why?" But there's a comfort in this word. I accept it with open arms.


Two letters followed by a period. I shrugged my shoulders as the silver doors opened to the fifth floor and I shook my head. No way. Never. He's not it. How do I know this for sure?

I just know. He's just nice to look at. Nothing more. Nothing less. He's not mean, crude, self-centered. He's a great guy but not the one for me. This I know. Remember back in August there was that woman's intuition thing I talked about? Well that same intuition is telling me it's not there. There's no connection. My heart is not pulled towards him. There's no want or desire to exert myself so he notices me or gives me a simple thing like a smile.

As I've gotten older, I've noticed I am done with trying to like a guy, chase after him, get my heart shaken up, and move on to another one. It's exhausting. Why should I exert myself when none of the fish are biting? I shall be a patient fisherwoman, go on my merry life and as everyone has been telling me lately "he'll come when you least expect it." I'm not expecting him anytime soon. My schedule is filled! I don't know if I'd be able to deal with a relationship on top of me working to become a better Christian and do the will God has for me. If the will involves a man, that's fine. He just needs to be cool with me not spending every waking minute with him.

Well, there's my little schpeal of what I'm up to. I don't like a guy. I don't see myself liking a guy anytime soon. Developments, if any, will be shared. Just don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Projects underway but I want to go away

The Thanksgiving leftovers are finished. The harvest decorations are put away and in its places are lights, snowmen, and giant nativities.

It's finally December which means the greatest time of year is upon us. Christmas.

I love everything about Christmas from the birth of Jesus, cantada services, and lights to the cold weather, layers of clothing, and the magical possibility of snow. Speaking of snow, Jersey is supposed to have a white Christmas this year, according to the 2009 Farmer's Almanac. It's never steared us wrong before so let's keep our fingers crossed and our hearts in prayer, shall we?

With the anticipation of Christmas comes every teacher's dream and every student's nightmare. The F word is thrown out a lot during these next couple of weeks. Finals.

With finals comes projects, papers, and presentation that this journalism student is definitely not ready for.

I have a presentation in my Covering Diverse class and let me tell you I'm shaking in my rainboots! (it's raining here in Nashville, by the way) Our community service groups are supposed to present what we did at our service sites. The only things my group did was help with a walk to promote acceptance and write a grant for CommunityNashville. The problem with this presentation isn't the quality of the presentation (though there is a hefty amount of points going towards that end). It's the quantity. We have to fill up a 50 minute class period. How in the world are we supposed to teach about what we did when we did so little?

Yea I'm asking that same question myself.

I suppose this is where faith comes in. The Lord will have to make time go very quickly so we can fill in the blanks of time. I think our presentation as it stands could be about 20-30 minutes give or take. We still need 20 more minutes. Lord, help us!

Other than this presentation, Jesus is guiding me through everything else. I have a few papers & articles to write and finals to study for.

Maybe I'll be able to write on Friday and tell you guys how this week has gone. Ciao!

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