Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One stress down 12 billion more to go

My woman article for Covering Diverse is complete and hanging out in its little binder, waiting to get handed in and then mauled to death with blue ink (or whatever color pen Syb decided to use). I was thinking last night that I would be wonderfully fine with getting a B- or C in that class. It's been one huge annoyance and, frankly, a waste of my sacred time.

(<---Oh, isn't that precious.)

I think the main problem I have with that class is that we have to see differences. Like I was expressing to some of my friends in that class, I don't see 'racial' or 'status' differences. I see the person for who they are. After this class, I'm now seeing those differences which I think is a negative learning experience. I was always taught to look at the person for who they were than what they looked like or wore or drove or whatever you could possibly think of to put them in a box labeled "black" "Chinese" "poor" "rich". I think it's utterly ridiculous and that's where society completely and utterly fails.

Now that my rant is complete...

I have another article due tomorrow. Vegans and vegetarians at Belmont unite! You will have a voice once I get this bad boy written. It's technically now due Tuesday but I want to get it done and over with. Maybe I won't hand it in tomorrow but...wait. no. yea I'm handing it in tomorrow. Better early than waiting around for the cows to come home. I want it out of my life!

Yet another article is due on Monday for Covering Diverse. Wait what?! Yea, I know. It's insane. It's like she's trying to smoosh all this work into so little time. She should've figured this out during the summer. She said we weren't going to write ten articles for that class anymore. Well, considering I've written five before fall break and now there's another five due, I'd say yea if my elementary math is right (5+5=10, right? They didn't change it on me?) then I've written ten articles. What she means is she wasn't going to grade the first five articles.

So I did that work for nothing? Yea pretty much. Here's looking at you, sucker.

Such is my Wednesday. After this week, I'm going to sleep and sleep and sleep some more. Oh and then I have to pack and write an English paper and pull an article out of my batooty for Monday.


I'm not going to have any hair left after this.

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