Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tomorrow how I love ya!

Today I had my media ethics midterm.

Tomorrow I have my history exam (not a midterm, thank Jesus!). And my flight.

I can't wait to go home at least for a little while. The boys will probably want to show me their deer stand and I'll probably scout deer with them. My mom and I have some girl time to do. Shopping, maybe?

Oh! And we're going to New York to see Lady Liberty. We're taking my grandmom. She's never seen it so we're going on a party cruise sort-of-a-thing. It should be fun. Expect pictures!

Okay, I think that's it. I probably won't blog until I get back from Jersey. Or, if something AMAZING happens during my stay, I will battle the dial-up that has possessed our home computer and write on there.

Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone!

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