Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Edition

Halloween is here! Break out those costumes and dollar store candy to pass out to all the kiddies.

Ash and I drove around Franklin yesterday and took pictures. We pretty much were scared the police would come after us because we were stopping at property lines and modelling. It was really fun nonetheless and we were able to call ourselves Bonnie and Claire for the day.

Fall Follies was today. Basically it's an event where Belmont students poke fun at what's "wrong" with the campus and its affiliates. They pretty much burned music business kids to the core. It was priceless! Future, Belmont's main rapper, as part of the house band, though, wasn't priceless. He did nothing but stand there and say some "oohs" and "ahhs" as the other singer sang the majority of the songs. I think Future sang, or excuse me, rapped to one song. I can't even remember which song he did. That's how forgettable it was.

Last year's Fall Follies was better (John Flannigan sang. I mean, c'mon!). But the cast did put on a good show. Very entertaining. Props, ya'll!

For Halloween, I'm staying in with my friends. We really didn't find a legit party to go to in time. Ah well....

Enjoy your Halloween, everyone!

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