thursday night, jeremy camp came to flc for a concert. i had been waiting for weeks to get tickets but somehow that didnt happen. thursday morning came and i found out that my friends were going to be able to serve jeremy camp, mainstay, and the crew. in exchange for their services, my friends would be able to get in the concert for FREE. i was sooo jealous. i told oyin that if they needed anyone to help, to call me first. well, God works wonderfully because chloe' came into physics and asked me if i could help with dinner. i was unsure as to how this would happen because my mom had to work that night so the vehicle situation was a little iffy. Jill was also going to work, so that was good. i called my dad after school and he didnt have a problem with it (yes!). jill's mom said it was ok (she was a little more iffy because she had ballet that night). so then, transportation. i asked my mom if i would be able to drive jill and me to the concert and back. the only problem was, i haven't driven in the dark by myself. however, my mom said it was alright and jill's mom surprisingly said i would be able to drive. my mom was going to drive down with the truck, taking the truck to work. (she couldnt stay for the entire thing)
So at 4:30pm i drove jill and me to lca. basically we helped with the fish, helped clean up, and stood around because there was nothing left to do. the guys were practicing basketball and from the storage room, you can see everything! michelle, oyin, jill, and i peeked through the little window. we're such little school girls its hilarious. i turned around and saw a little grey lump on the floor. it was a dead mouse. i shrieked. everyone shrieked. tyler's mom got it out of the kitchen, but not until i captured a picture of it on my phone. HA! gonna show it to bro. newman, and demand the health department come in. i wonder if the mouse ate the cafeteria food. uh oh.
at around 6:15pm, jeremy came to eat. oyin, michelle, and i were beside ourselves. we had to take the salt&pepper off the tables, then fold the tablecloths. well, i sort of got reprimanded right in front of him...well actually behind him, because i didnt fold the cloths on the creases. we were all so girly we had to go in the big part of the cafeteria and fold the tablecloths. jeremy stood, bowed, thanked us for the food. he's so awesome.
after we finished cleaning up, oyin, jill, and i had to tag cars with flyers for Wards. it wasn't so bad because 1) not many cars and 2) we were getting paid for it! WOOHOO! it was pitch black outside so scaring each other was definitely in. =). oyin was on one side of a truck, i was on the other, silently creeping up to her. i deepened my voice adn said hey. she shrieked like a sissy hahaha. jill scared the crap out of me. out of nowhere she comes from behind a vehicle. i screamed so loud i think the entire church heard me hahaha. after that, we went in to go see jeremy camp. he was actually pretty good. (not as great as josh groban but good.) i drove jill home afterwards and then went to bed as soon as i got home. but it was great hanging out with my friends. oh! and darryl came as well which was awesome!!

omg, that was sooo funny..great story =]
cute new page! aww...Jeremy Camp. I haven't seen his concert in awhile! He has such amazing eyes! haha...he really does!
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