Friday, September 14, 2007


yea okay, so i said it. but it needed to be said. and i really don't care if it came back into your ear because, honestly, you need to hear what your old friends now think of you. i can't believe how much you've changed. remember when we were so close; every day, while waiting for our rides, we would talk about practically everything. it seemed like there wasnt gonna be anything new to talk about since we spoke every day but there was. we hung out at school. you were like a 4th brother, honest to goodness you were. up until we left to start our 8th grade summer we were cool. we werent tight but we were friends.
then freshman year rolled around and you seemed...different. you were taller, thinner. i was scared that your personality changed as well. my fear was correct. they took notice of you and the ones who hardy spoke ONE WORD to you now were all over you. you soaked it up, tossing me and all your loyal friends aside, you went with them. in doing so, the way you spoke, acted, even laughed turned fake. though you did seem to change, i tried to hold on to those memories of long ago. but as time passed, i knew i had to forget and accept this new creation.
the quiet, caring, polite boy was the one i knew. but this? this rude, mean, and shallow guy? i don't know him. a few days ago, you did speak to me. but it was to tell me to shut up. my friend had to reprimand you. i acted as if i didnt care how you spoke to me but i do. because i remember the old days, it makes me sad and disappointed about what you've become.
i won't have anything to do with you while you're like this. however, if there is a change. if one day the lightbulb comes on and you wonder what you've done, you may come to me and i'll tell you exactly how i see you. maybe the words will sink in and you'll regret these lost years. or maybe you'll blow me off and continue to be the sad person you are. whatever you decide, know that i will always remember the old days. and a part of me still does care about you.

"broken. once connected"

1 comment:

Amanda said...

that was very well said. I'm sorry you're going through something broken.

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