Tuesday, August 7, 2007

i will His gates with thanksgiving in my heart

update on how tommy's doing: he's doing much better. he is out of the coma and off the breathing machine! woohoo!! he still isn't speaking but, hey, his lungs are able to support him so that is amazing. the doctors said he'll be fine eventually. thank you all so much for lifting him in prayer. it means a lot to all of us ♥
my dad returns from his trip either tomorrow or wednesday, his birthday. he was in better spirits, talking to my mom on the phone today, than he was when he first got in w VA. i think it's just the relief of seeing tommy is okay. God is just so good. my heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving and love. God is just...amazing.
today, i hardly did anything. a load or two of laundry. the sky looked like it was gonna open up and soak the earth with water, so i didn't do so much which really got me mad. but oh well, tomorrow hopefully i'll be able to do more. or maybe, by the grace of God, i'll finally be able to get Closer and the new cd from michael buble'. i'm praying. haha.

"monseir is cuckoo"

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