As I type sirens are going off on 15th Ave. I think a house fire happened. I've never experienced driving by a house that's burning, water pouring into the street by the fire hydrants. Firetrucks and ambulances were parked haphazardly down the narrow street.
Ash and I went out to Kroger and smelled the smoke before we saw it, curling its brown tail up and up into the blue sky. It's so sad and devestating. Of course the news trucks are there. That's why I could never do hard-hitting news. I couldn't deal with interviewing someone who just lost their house or doing a story that will give me more face-time and (maybe?) a bigger paycheck. Why should I advance on account of someone's tragedy? Nope. Never going to do it. I pray I never have to do that. I think if I compromised and did a story such as that, I would lose my sense of self.
Strong words but words I live by.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tragic Scene
Monday, March 29, 2010
Whatchu lookin' at?
Currently listening to:
New favorite song! It's perfect for this week. Temperatures this week are going to increase to about the high 70s. I <3 global climate change!
This week is a three day week because of Easter. It feels like spring break is a million miles behind us. Weird. Because of the short week, I suppose the teachers got into a frenzy because everything except the kitchen sink is due! Tonight I have to study for my AVP test, do my video proposal and go over my speech that's due on Wednesday. It doesn't seem like much but walk a minute in my moccasins and you'll see. You'll see.
Anyway, this break is going to spectacular! With the beaut weather, my friends and I are planning to go to the park, chill out and read, go shopping in the Village, and look really cute doing it! The only things I'm wearing are dresses. It's time to put away the bulk and layers and say hello to bright, beautiful printed dresses.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Empowered, uplifted, ORGANIZED!
Can this post solely be about how organized I feel?
Because right now I feel very much organized and feel like I can least into tomorrow.
I overread for philosophy so I don't have to read tonight. We had a group meeting for our Google business models last night. Don't let me get into that...the only thing I will say is I hate when people don't make an effort to meet group members and instead have their priorities (or what should be their priorities) out of whack.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sorry for not updating in forever. I wasn't able to log into my blog for some reason. I was starting to think someone hacked in and changed everything on me. But then I thought maintenance? In order to ease my mind, I think I'll stick with the latter.
It's always weird typing with semi-dry nails...
Spring break was last week. It was really good to see the family for a bit. My mom and I bonded again. Got together with Michelle and Mims at Olive Garden on Friday and then Friday night went to La Piazza with Jill, shopping for heels and then Starbucks. I love my friendship with Jill. No matter how long it goes without texting each other, whenever I come home, it's like we pick up right where we left off. Everyone needs friendships like that I think. They're just chill.
I talked to him a few days ago, asked him how his interview went. On his way there (the interview was in PA) he got a flat tire! He called AAA who was very swift in fixing it and getting him on his merry way, arriving with three minutes to spare! If that's not God, I don't know what is.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Break, hair and technology
You're probably wondering why or how I'm typing a blog post when supposedly we don't have internet at my house.
Well, now we do.
Hughes Net has saved my parents from truly being out of the loop. It's a breath of techy air and I'm loving it. Sure, it's such a baby step compared to the fast-paced outside world, but considering we're out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a highway and massive fields everywhere, this is huge. The boys were having a field day with the internet, looking at youtube and what-not. I'm just so glad we have wireless. I can now do what I wanted to do for a very long time: sit on the couch with a blanket, Smokey near, surfing the web at my leisure. Fabulous.
So far spring break has been really good. I've spent some time with family and my weekend is going to be spent with friends. Lunch with Michelle on Friday and La Piazza with Jill on Saturday. There's really cute waiters at La Piazza. Sort of like an Allentown, NJ Olive Garden.
Ciao, bellas!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
One day away
Yikes-a-million! The days seem to fly by so quickly. I hardly know what day it is anymore. Thank God I always have my cellphone with me to check. Ha!