Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wow it's been so long!!

For all my readers (yes, there are SOOO many!), i apologize for being unfaithful in the blogging of my life. Let's recap shall we?

I got a job. CVS finally called me and now i work about 2 days a week, 10 hrs. im still waiting for my very first paycheck. perhaps i will take a picture of it, just for kicks =) i promise, the first thing i buy is Noel--JG.

Thanksgiving was great! It was my very immediate family, the six of us. nothing big. my aunt and uncle and cousins went to a friend's house for dinner while my grandparents went to lancaster, pa. I didnt really care for that, but what can i do? Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and the clean up wasn't tedious because it was only the six of us.

And now, for more recent topics. Im listening to Christmas music; it's always blaring in the car! I love Christmas so very much. Everything about it is so bright, so caring, so amazing! At CVS, the cashiers have to ask if customers would like to donate $1 to Saint Jude's. Some donate, some don't. Some donate a few times. Others are one-timers. Every little bit counts. I encourage everyone to participate and give to a local or non-profit organization this Christmas. Whether it be for endangered animals, sick children, or the poor, YOU can make a difference. So share the love of Jesus by giving!

Physics, Economics, and Yearbook are almost completed, only about 30 days left! We still need about 80 some odd pages for the Yearbook. YIKES! Hopefully, i'll get my pages done and over with =). Speaking of pages, guess who has to type a script in 2 weeks? Yup, me. The script will be used for our senior chapel. I want some dance numbers in there, but i dont know if anyone has any ideas. i'll have to talk to the class tomorrow.

well...besides some other things i dont feel like typing about because it's already 11:20, that's about all thats been going on in my life. Tomorrow i venture into Theatre club for the first time in 2 weeks. i haven't been able to go because of work, but i informed my manager i need fridays off ;) i love it!!

chestnuts roasting on an open fire

Thursday, November 8, 2007

what were you thinking?!

there was this guy. a guy? yes, a guy.

he showered praises and compliments on me like rain. he read poetry and and said he 'respected' me. sadly, i fell for the trap. for two days straight i wasted my time liking this guy. then in nashville, while college hunting, at 1:30am i realized he wasn't the one. i was going to tell him to stop with the flattery and let's just be friends. but i didn't have to do that, thank God, because he said he was getting into something that forbid him from having a relationship EVER. after the conversation i breathed a sigh of relief.

"ok, we're good now."

however, this past week word came to my ear that he was interested in my friend. uh oh. wait a minute. didn't he say that he couldnt have a girlfriend? if we really were friends, why did he lie? why wasn't he honest with me? not so much of a friend, huh? but i let it go.

until a few days ago my friend (the one he was interested in) told me he told her that he used me to get to my friend. woah! put on the brakes! what is going on here? i demanded texts be shown...she deleted them.

"i need proof he said these things or else it's your word against his."

that night we decided to three-way with him. only, he wouldn't know i was on the other line, listening to what he said to her. yes, it may be sneaky but i figure, the government does it for terrorists so why can't i? so that's what we did.

she asked him about me, what the deal was, was he just trying to get with her to make me jealous?

" i actually...liked you first," he said, "i don't want to say amanda was easy but she was easy-pickings."

easy-pickings...meaning i'm easy to get with. hmm really? ok, buddy, you're going down. the next day she said he openly admitted he used me to get to her. alright, hold me back! hold me back!

i decided to tell him off, professionally of course. you can't give these bums the idea they were a stress on your emotions. heck no.

i saw him in the hallway that night. i asked to talk to him.

"don't talk to me, don't call me, don't text me, don't even look at me. that whole door is closed. i know and heard everything..."

"you know me and *friend* don't go out?"

"yea you do."

"no we dont"

"don't lie to me. yea you do. she showed me the texts, i heard everything and know everything you said about me."


"can we still be friends?" he asked.

are you kidding me?! i thought to myself. "no." "sorry..." i shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

an hour later, my friend text him saying she can't be with him, it's over.

flatterer, liar, scum.

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